With the florist
The florist has your order and is being prepared by hand.
The arrangement is ready to go, it's just waiting on a driver! Please note no amendments can be made to the order once it has been prepared (including address changes).
On the way
The order is en route. The driver may have multiple deliveries, so don't be concerned if it's been en route for a few hours. Read more about delivery times.
The order has been delivered to the recipient or the "what to do if nobody is home" instructions you left at checkout. For more information about what to do if your order is marked as Delivered, but the recipient hasn't received anything, please read this article.
The delivery was attempted but the driver was unable to deliver (this can be due to multiple reasons, eg; incorrect address, the recipient no longer lives there, or the florist deemed there was no safe place to leave the order). If we haven't been in touch please contact us via live chat or click here to email us and we'll be happy to assist you.